Disclaimer: These people are only mentioned because they are rich, mostly liberals, and if the people they love and support succeed, they will just pack up their millions and live in Botsuanna or on some island while the other 338 million of us...learn Chinese so we can communicate with our Over-Lords.
Perhaps their mentor George Soros will give each and useful liberal a private island all to themselves. And they will get the doctors they know and love because they will take them with them to "paradise" and never mind the proverbial 72 'rewards". Congress has been wanting to make healthcare expensive to get even for only a handful of working stiffs using C.O.B.R.A. for healthcare between jobs while drawing unemployment and wondering how to pay bills. Never mind at least $600-$1000 per month for health insurance for the healthy out-of-work, working John Q. Public and possibly his uninsured-because-he-is-out-of-work family. Then Congress wonders why the people despise them, sitting up their mini kingdoms in DC with new perks for themselves passing laws to benefit themselves while the people suffer under more and more tyranny and EPA regulations, constricting and restricting business and hiring.
Country singer, Toby (not Spidey, but $280 million in Last 5 Years) Kieth, Hank Williams,Jr, patriot, Charlie Daniels, Tim McGraw, "Dangerous" Dan McGrew, Dick (I Got More Loot Than Scrooge McDuck Thanks To "Law and Order") Wolf, Mark (Hit Gold With "Bible" and its true-to-life realistic casting on History TV) Burnett, Warren (I Do Not Know Jimmy) Buffett, Gisele Bundchen, Tom Cruize, Denzel Washington, Liam Neeson, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, Tiago (Brazilian) Klimeck,
Mega kudos to all the celebrities who manage to aviod, dodge and dart away from the limelight.
#1 earner Madonna, had album called MDNA (Doctor Not Applicable)
#2 in the bucks, Director Steven Spielberg, Lady Gaga (Ga-Twice), Beyonce (Bouncy) , Taylor (the Chimney) Swift, Simon (Nevermind Jesse's Girl) Cowell, Howard (Not So) Stern, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Robert Downey, Jr, Dr Phil (De Can) McGraw , Donald (The) Trump, Ryan Seacreast, Channing (Charmin') Tatum, Mark Wahberg, Judge Judy, Liu Wen, Lisa Stone, Candice Swanepoel, Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Miranda (Rights) Kerr, Mila Kunis, Julia Roberts, Adriana Lima, Hilary Rhonda, Kate (And Pete) Moss, Karolyn Murphy, Adam Sandler Joan Smallis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mathew McConaughey Samantha (What Makes sammy Run?) Power taking on the snakepit of evil at the U.N., E.L. James' 50 must offer really decadent jihad amongst the thrill writing as supposedly #1 read at Guantanamo Paradise Prison for "Fidels" who just wanna kill infadels, "Fidels Just Wanna Kill Infadels And Have Fun". Sounds like a song title. Let's give their Pro Bono Freebe lawyers a big hand of applause, for helping Gitmo prisoners get a "replay" on "Pay-Back". So many have been released and a high percent, (who have no remorse nor are even asked about remorse most likely) who gleefully resume the pleasures of goat ownership and weekend Gucci hunts for "jihad".
lance (I'm So Misunderstood) Armstrong, James Patterson, Jerry Bruckheimer, Tiger (Done Her Wrong But I Survived Her Wrath) Woods, Roger (I Got Endorsements, I Play Tennis) Federer,
Oprah Winfrey is the down-trotten TV Queen who has only one billion plus due to "Bigot America", Hugh Jackman, Angelina Jolie, Michael Bay, Tyler Perry, and producer Jerry Bruckheimerhas who eked out only $80 million . At this rate he will seek a business venture with a "Tom" to get ahead in ice cream or something.
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