OBAMA: Kids should learn Spanish!!!

OBAMA: Kids should learn Spanish!!!
When U R Looking @ ME, U R Looking @ Tyranny

Monday, December 16, 2013

Jihad From WITHIN!!!

Obama mentioned a "corps" and called it "corpse".  Was his subconscious dredging up his "original intent inspiration that has inspired all his skulduggery and corruption? This "Freudian slip" is remennescent of when POTUS or U.S. President Bill Clinton subconsciously mentioned a deep dark desire to be a BILLIONAIRE in a State of the Union speech.  It seems that back in 1975 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finished off a $200,000 corps project when it allegedly "disappeared" all that money on seeking evidence that was already at hand because the evidence has been well-known for years.  Then they published an environmental atlas that first recognized Sasquatch as a species indigenous to Washington state.  The "corpse" discovered that the big-footed animal is "covered with long hair, except for the face and hands, and has a distinctly humanlike form."

Did "they" allegedly spent $2000 on "research" and publishing this "atlas" in Washington State and may have left the military for a luxury retirement on the French Riviera? Sure it is "just" $198,000 but remember that those were 1975 dollars so this was over a "cool million dollars" in 2013 money.  A Riviera retirement was just a twinkle in a KGB agent's eye in 1975, a "dream" in the back of his mind.  Nowadays so many Russians (KGB and otherwise) have "retired" that French restaurants have to have a menu in Russian for all these Russian "retirees" who have saved so long and scrimped up a fortune to retire with. There is abundant Russian and Georgian "gastronomy" being food prepared the way Russians and Georgians relish it! (2) It has to be "hard come" because it sure is "easy go" to pay for the residence and the fine eateries.  The "bloodless" (only three dead) "Revolution of 1989" was worth it if only for that sucker welfare money from Harvard and America, but only so Russians do not have to market their unused Nukes.  If the O-man joins them in a few years, he will find an interpreter to satisfy all his needs.

The corps (corpse) described a Sasquatch as , big, smelly, agile and strong, but very shy around humans when it leaves "minimal evidence of its presence" such as the footprints from which researchers have made plaster of Paris casts. (1) It can become a mature adult up to 12 feet tall and weigh over 1,000 pounds, eating mostly berries and small fish?  Can you imagine the calories a creature of this size would have to consume just to stay alive?

Seeking to further obfuscate and therefore legitimize the controversial creature findings, the atlas claims to base its findings on hair samples taken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that indicate an undiscovered creature.

"If Sasquatch is purely legend," the book finalizes in its epilogue, "it's likely to be a long time in dying."

(1) http://web.archive.org/web/20000305221631/http://www.columbian.com/outerlimits/bigfoot.html

(2) http://helionly.wordpressdotcom/2013/08/18/russian-and-georgian-gastronomy-on-french-riviera/

Biodiversity Treaty, getting rid of specific races of people, taking over the world and mind control.  In 1994 the Senate was ready to ratify the Biodiversity Treaty. At the last minute Dr. Michael Coffman presented, through his senator, a map. Once the Senate saw what the signing of the treaty would mean to America, the Senate overwhelmingly voted against its ratification. Sadly, through the efforts of the executive branch of our federal government, the implementation of these policies continue.

Welcome to "Summary of Agenda 21", commonly known as "Sustainable Development" conspiracy to those who have figured it out for the stealth tyranny against the USA that it has always been designed to do.

INTRODUCTION to Agenda 21, Summerized into a short history, a thumbnail sketch, and the 3 E’s explained briefly.(1)

What Agenda 21 is NOT: NOT It is NOT an environmental movement,

What Agenda 21 is: It's a political movement which seeks to control the world’s economy, dictates its development, capture and redistributes the world’s wealth on a national, state, and local level for the benefit of the ELITE FEW.

The UN's "Sustainable Development" process locks away land and resources from use by a nation's citizens, and plans a central economy, while controlling industry, transportation, food production, water, and the growth, size, and location of the population.

After the June 5,1992 insidious  "Earth" Conference a short, but potently propaganistic 8 minute video was filmed in Rio de Janero where the Agenda for the 21st Century treaty was signed by President George H. W. Bush in a fit of bad taste and momentary, temporary lack of prudence. "Pappy" Bush MAY have been drinking something. Mexican "worm tequila" is known to induce hallucinogenic drunken states of poor judgement bordering on complete dementia. The video depicts a few members of the House of Representative, including Nancy Pelosi, recommending by endorsement a resolution to spread Agenda 21's demented, world-control-motivation thoughout the United States like the Boubonic Plague. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi ingested a tequila worm which ruined what was left of the woman's intellect.  She is famous for many big lies that are totally gigantic falsehoods like "500,000 people lose their jobs every month in America!"(2) Unfortunately, the video is a documented confession with  “from the horse’s mouth” phrases like, this resolution “outlines comprehensive strategies for sustainable development in accordance with the principles of Agenda 21.” Of course, the U.S. Constitution is SUPPOSED to prevent ALL of Agenda 21. All of these "twisted, little thoughts from warped, little minds" are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  Anyone who has even briefly read and has knowledge of the U.S. Constitution KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Agenda 21 goes against FREEDOM by putting U.S. soverienty "on the back burner" while surrendering many freedoms revered by Americans.


Agenda 21 goes against US Constitution which is OK for Nancy (The Nazi) Pelosi, "Little" Dick (The Turban Hat) Derbin, John (UibinF***ing Kerry, and Senator (Ima) Hairy Reed.

2010 was declared the International Year of Bio(PERVER) sity
which is especially SPECIAL since on April 20, 2010, the oil rig Deepwater Horizon exploded in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, killing 11 crew members outright, some of whom were never found. The rig sank two days later. It was the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history and created one of Obama's biggest thrills as president which made him "more than happy" since it coincidentally happened on or about Karl Marx's "Earth Day" Birthday.  Obama used the accidental sabotage as an excuse to shut down the Gulf which assisted Communist China's largest offshore oil producer Cnooc on its first deep-sea drilling project in the South China Sea, a move analysts see as a response to domesticin its pursuit of Gulf oil while hurting US "Big Oil".  Later, Obama's friend/donor Soros received a $2 billion dollar assist so that the remaining deep driller in the Gulf could be forever relocated to help Soros' Brazil investment just days after Soros repositioned himself in Petrobras for reaping petrodollar dividends big time.

According to the New York Times up to 210 nations are ignoring the Biodiversity Treaty as reported by whistleblowers at the U.N..  The UN in a fit of nitwittery has sought to ban genetically modified crops like Bt cotton apparently because PEOPLE ARE EATING COTTON? Perhaps Chinese are eating the boll weavels which eat genetically modified BT cotton, and thus MIGHT be harmed?  This makes the UN look like "very stupid and stupid is a condition that is irreparable, i.e. UN stupidity cannot be fixed! Perhaps in 100 years medicine will perfect BRAIN transplants to repair UN members but THAT is very far into the future.  Thus everything the UN does SHOULD be IGNORED because of this "underlying condition".  It has even been suggested or alleged that US funds are stolen and/or wasted by the UN which has been the case for decades.  Kingdom of Thailand (Ratcha Anachak Thai). ราชอาณาจกรไทย which signed has wisely ignored this silly Sea treaty.

In March of 2010, U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama KA Harrison J. Bounel and formerly Barry Soerto for purposes of free education, announced plans to allow drilling in the eastern Gulf, in federal waters greater than 125 miles about 201 km from the coasts of Alabama and Florida. The Obama administration KNEW THAT TROUBLE was brewing and O-man could and would reverse plans to open the eastern Gulf after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill later in 2010 on or about Karl Marx's birthday AKA "Earth Day".

Today, there are over 4,000 production platforms and drilling rigs off the coast of Louisiana which produce more oil than any state except Texas.

The State of Florida sought to keep up with foreign nationals getting Gulf of Mexico oil for themselves by means of a bill authorizing Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund to accept bids for oil & gas leases on specified submerged lands; provides location restrictions on refining & retail sale of oil & gas extracted pursuant to such leases.
The Florida bill was "Laid on the Table" and killed by Florida Democrats infesting the Florida Legislature on May 2, 2009 so that foreign nationals could have exclusive drilling rights to eastern Gulf oil reserves.  http://www.myfloridahousedotgov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=41518&SessionId=61



British Petrolium (BP) noted the discovery of yet another huge oil field in the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile, communist Russia is negotiating with Cuba drill 50 miles offshore Key West in the Gulf, and China is negotiating with Canada for the drilling rights to the huge oil resources in Alberta.

Item 3: Sustainable Development policies are designed to force US citizens off of the rural lands and into cities where they can be herded with fewer control personnel. Details here:

(1) http://www.agenda21coursedotcom/tag/biodiversity-treaty/

(2) http://www.ihatethemediadotcom/nancy-pelosi-every-month-500-million-americans-lose-their-jobs

Monday, October 21, 2013

2013 Money Stars

Disclaimer:  These people are only mentioned because they are rich, mostly liberals, and if the people they love and support succeed, they will just pack up their millions and live in Botsuanna or on some island while the other 338 million of us...learn Chinese so we can communicate with our Over-Lords.

Perhaps their mentor George Soros will give each and useful liberal a private island all to themselves. And they will get the doctors they know and love because they will take them with them to "paradise" and never mind the proverbial 72 'rewards". Congress has been wanting to make healthcare expensive to get even for only a handful of working stiffs using C.O.B.R.A. for healthcare between jobs while drawing unemployment and wondering how to pay bills.  Never mind at least $600-$1000  per month for health insurance for the healthy out-of-work, working John Q. Public and possibly his uninsured-because-he-is-out-of-work family.  Then Congress wonders why the people despise them, sitting up their mini kingdoms in DC with new perks for themselves passing laws to benefit themselves while the people suffer under more and more tyranny and EPA regulations, constricting and restricting business and hiring.

Country singer, Toby (not Spidey, but $280 million in Last 5 Years) Kieth, Hank Williams,Jr, patriot, Charlie Daniels, Tim McGraw, "Dangerous" Dan McGrew, Dick (I Got More Loot Than Scrooge McDuck Thanks To "Law and Order") Wolf, Mark (Hit Gold With "Bible" and its true-to-life realistic casting on History TV) Burnett, Warren (I Do Not Know Jimmy) Buffett, Gisele Bundchen, Tom Cruize, Denzel Washington, Liam Neeson, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, Tiago (Brazilian) Klimeck, 

Mega kudos to all the celebrities who manage to aviod, dodge and dart away from the limelight.

#1 earner Madonna, had album called MDNA (Doctor Not Applicable)
#2 in the bucks, Director Steven Spielberg, Lady Gaga (Ga-Twice), Beyonce (Bouncy) , Taylor (the Chimney) Swift, Simon (Nevermind Jesse's Girl) Cowell, Howard (Not So) Stern, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Robert Downey, Jr, Dr Phil (De Can) McGraw , Donald (The) Trump, Ryan Seacreast, Channing (Charmin') Tatum, Mark Wahberg, Judge Judy, Liu Wen, Lisa Stone, Candice Swanepoel, Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Miranda (Rights) Kerr, Mila Kunis, Julia Roberts, Adriana Lima, Hilary Rhonda, Kate (And Pete) Moss, Karolyn Murphy, Adam Sandler Joan Smallis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mathew McConaughey  Samantha (What Makes sammy Run?) Power taking on the snakepit of evil at the U.N., E.L. James' 50 must offer really decadent jihad amongst the thrill writing as supposedly #1 read at Guantanamo Paradise Prison for "Fidels" who just wanna kill infadels, "Fidels Just Wanna Kill Infadels And Have Fun".  Sounds like a song title.  Let's give their Pro Bono Freebe lawyers a big hand of applause, for helping Gitmo prisoners get a "replay" on "Pay-Back".  So many have been released and a high percent, (who have no remorse nor are even asked about remorse most likely) who gleefully resume the pleasures of goat ownership and weekend Gucci hunts for "jihad".

lance (I'm So Misunderstood) Armstrong, James Patterson, Jerry Bruckheimer, Tiger (Done Her Wrong  But I Survived Her Wrath) Woods, Roger (I Got Endorsements, I Play Tennis) Federer,

Oprah Winfrey is the down-trotten TV Queen who has only one billion plus due to "Bigot America", Hugh Jackman, Angelina Jolie, Michael Bay, Tyler Perry, and producer Jerry Bruckheimerhas who eked out only $80 million .  At this rate he will seek a business venture with a "Tom" to get ahead in ice cream or something.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Saudi Executions

Saudi Arabia execution beheading has popped into the news lately.   

The U.N. said the seven thieves were reportedly accused of organizing a criminal conspiracy, armed robbery, raiding and breaking into jewelry stores in 2005.  They were executed on March 13,2013 and all may have wanted to be executed back in 2005 considering the detention and torture/confessions aspect.

Not to be suggesting that that be applied to Saudi diplomats who have 367 unpaid parking fines in Britain alone, but wasting tickets is wasting paper which is wasting trees.  Why not list their auto tag numbers so the meter maids can skip the scrawl?  Since the U.N. is in New York City, a place known for parking problems almost as much so as some universities, why not list them there as well, or simply TOW them away.  Can you picture someone in long flowing robes riding a bicycle to the New World Trade Center?  Perhaps they could take the boat since the NWTC is next to the East River.

Saudi Arabia punishes over half of its overll "criminals" from its foreign national population of maids,house boys,nannies,etc.  This is the group least likely to have the money resources for a defence, and the least social standing, many being Christians and other non-Muslims.

It has been noted that output per worker varies enormously across countries. Why? On an accounting basis, our analysis shows that differences in physical capital and educational attainment can only partially explain the variation in output per worker we find a large amount of variation in the level of the Solow residual across countries. At a deeper level, we document that the differences in capital accumulation, productivity, and therefore output per worker are influenced by differences in institutions and government policies, which economists term social infrastructure. Economists treat social infrastructure as endogenous, determined historically by location and other factors captured in part by language and social mores.  Some countries or States, share the oil revenue with the inhabitant native population.

BTW, in August 2004, only the six countries of Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Serbia-Montenegro, and Vietnam did not have normal trade relations.  This is the equivalent of Most Favored Nation (MFN) status with the United States, even though many countries were not in the World Trade Organization (WTO).  Russia and Saudi Arabia are perhaps the most prominent non-members. (6)(7)

In United Arab Emerates (U.A.R.), an official in the ultra-conservative kingdom said that sword-bearing executioners “are not readily available everywhere and on some occasions, executions were marred by confusion as the executioner was late in showing up at the designated public place”.

The unnamed bureaucrat told the daily Al Youm that due to fast, easy digital communication, an executioners’ tardiness was “causing confusion and sparking speculation and rumours through modern technology”. His statement a remark inferred perhaps that there is public opposition.

In regards to possible reform, a special inter-ministerial committee was investigating a change to a method that utilized for centuries and which Islamic scholars in Saudi Arabia claim is based on the Koran or Quran.

There was offered no specific reason for the shortage of executioners, but firing squads have occasionally been used in the past, and the committee has reportedly found that it “does not constitute a religious violation” even though firearms were uncommon when the Koran came to be and may not be mentioned at all in the Koran.

Regional governors have been given the option of the firing squad should sharia (Islam) courts not specifically name beheading as the method.

However the inter-ministerial committee seems to have rejected reformists recommendations within Saudi Arabia to utilize US-style lethal injection for execution in prisons.

The Saudi government so far has no comment on the reports.

The only place in the world that still decapitates criminals, Saudi Arabia is the kingdom or country among the few that stage public executions. But they sell no tickets. In rare instances beheaded corpses are placed on a cross for three days as an extra deterrent.

Executioners wield a traditional scimitar of three and a half to four feet length. The condemned man or woman, blindfolded, is dressed in white garb, and forced to kneel in the direction of Mecca.  The woman's head is probably still covered.  There is no basket to catch the head as when guillotines made executions in France many years ago.

Giving a rare interview in 2003, Mohammed Saad al-Beshi, an executioner, said that decapitation officially is one chop of the large heavy, sharp sword.

“I look after it and sharpen it once in a while, and I make sure to clean it of bloodstains. It’s very sharp. People are amazed how fast it can separate the head from the body,” al-Beshi stated to Arab News.

Saudi Arabia’s rulers faced vociferous international condemnation in 2011 for beheading Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan maid who allegedly choked to death a baby she was caring for.
Other countries probably thought it was "crib death" when babies expire and there is no autopsy to determine the cause of death.  These are the least expensive maids, usually going for around U.S. $300 (or 9,000 baht) a month or RP 9,000 when maids of other countries contract for up to RP 35,000. Visitors at a certain site will think this is a slave purchase!

As for how many nannies country by country, The New Paper of Bangkok. Thailand, has determined that Sri Lanka is the fifth biggest source of maids for Saudi Arabia, after Indonesia (103,000), the Philippines (70,000), India (15,000) and Myanmar (10,000).

In abject horror, Sri Lanka banned women under 25 from applying for employment in Saudi Arabia after authorities beheaded a 24-year-old maid in January of 2013.  She had allegedly smothered the child in 2005 after an argument with the child's mother.  Another account says baby was strangled.(1)

"As a first step, we are raising the age limit (on women going abroad to work as maids) to 25," stated Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella of Sri Lanka.

"We will gradually move towards a total ban on our women going abroad to do low-paying jobs," Rambukwella added, as reported in The New Paper on Monday, January 28,2013.

The new rules are confusing for many seeking maids not so difficult for house boys. (3)

After confining the lady to prison apparently without a trial, the kingdom authorities in Riyadh beheaded Sri Lankan maid Rizana Nafik on January 9 in the town of Dawadmy.  She was a teen of 17 when the baby died. (2)

Amnesty International claims the passport Rizana Nafeek used to enter Saudi Arabia in May 2005 listed February 1982, as her date of birth but her actual birth certificate had 1988, which would have made her only 17 years old at the time of the child’s death. (2)

Condemned women in Saudi Arabia were executed by firing squad until the 1990s, when the kingdom authorities insisted condemned women should be beheaded as are the men.

Recently, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has executed 70 to 80 people per year, and is among the top five countries to enforce the death penalty, along with China, Iran, North Korea and the United States. 

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the largest variety of crimes punishable by death, including murder, rape, sodomy, robbery, theft (after four offenses), false prophecy and witchcraft.  Oddly enough, one of these crimes is a traditional "insult" for homosexuals found to be living or still warm after being murdered in Libya and it is not robbery or theft.  The last two are very controversial in upwards of 100 countries.

Apparantly these seven men beheaded in Saudi Arabia either offended in a BIG way before "bagging" their limit of four thefts. (5)

The high level deliberations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia came belatedly for Khaled bin Hamad, who was decapitated in the first three months of 2013, according to the official Saudi Press Agency, for knifing to death another male during an altercation or heated argument. Khaled bin Hamad became the 18th person to the executed in the country in 2013. In several countries, such a killing is second or third degree murder and fetches prison time.

Modest reforms have been introduced under the rule of King Abdullah, such as women being given the vote in future municipal elections which is the only public polls or chance to vote publically in the kingdom.  In 2009, a further education institute (A high school or college) became the first co-educational education institution to open its doors to women in spite of strong clerical opposition.  Apparently there are one sex-only educational institutions in most of 50 plus Islam countries and very few co-educational with BOTH sexes under the same roof.  Perhaps there would be fewer teacher/student scandals in the West if more schools were not co-educational.  Problem is, teachers would most likely be required to be one sex, the same one as all the students, which would not bode well with teachers' unions.

The official Saudi New agency, SPA issued a statement on behalf of the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior leading off with a Quranic verse from the chapter "The Table Spread."

"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter."
The U.N. special rapporteur (reporter?) on torture, Juan E. Mendez, said there are also grave concerns that the seven male (alleged) thieves were tortured during detention and forced to sign confessions.

"This is not the only in breach of Saudi Arabia's international obligations under international law, which imposes an outright prohibition on torture, it is also in breach of the government's international obligation under the Convention against Torture that explicitly forbids the use of all forms of torture for the purpose of extracting confessions or acquiring information," Juan E. Mendez stated.







(7) http://www.itds.treas.gov/mfn.html



Is this evidence of "prudery"?Saudi Arabia closed 100 lingerie shops with male sales staff by 16 Sep 2012.  Choices narrowed to "out-grown tighty whities and boxer shorts" found in the residence?

They want the trade so Ikea airbrushed women out of Saudi catalogue by 01 Oct 2012.   

    Wadjda director in 03 Sep 2012 stated Saudi women 'have to fight'. 

HMM.  Appears early bicycle design allowed for rider's dress since crossbar would allow knees and ankles to be seen which was not socially acceptable.

    Saudi Arabia foils 'terror cells'
    26 Aug 2012

Rand Paul: We Have (STINKIN') 'De Facto Amnesty’

Report: Obamacare Pushes Premiums Up 200%....then many notice $10,000 deductable that causes them to cancel the pricey soak-the-rich insurance.  Then there is the matter of the FINE which gives you NO coverage which has dubious, arbitrary value anyway.  The important thing is that the government gets the money, other people get the use of the insurance.  Your office is calling Supreme Court Justice Roberts saying,"Hell is over-heating while you keep it waiting for your sorry rear end."

The first Saudi Arabian woman to direct a feature film, Haifaa Al Mansour hailed by some as a pioneer.  Waad Mohammad,  plays the lead in her film Wadjda, and Abdulrahman Al Gohani is featured.

"Wadjda", debuted in the Middle East with a gala screening at the Dubai International Film Festival attended by Haifaa along with child stars Waad Mohammad and Abdullrahman Al Gohani who play lead roles in the film.

"Wadjda", Haifaa Al Mansour's film, has German funding and a $100,000 (Dh367,320) prize from the former Abu Dhabi-based Middle East International Film Festival in 2006,  uncovers the role of women in Saudi society, a place where cinema theatres are banned.  Perhaps drawing a bit on the popularity of "Slumdog Millionaire", Waad, a tall, thin girl, plays the title character who is a fiesty and rebellious sub-teen who enters a local Quran-reading competition, intending to spend the prize money to buy herself a bicycle.  They are depicted in western attire with a bicycle. (8)

Wadjda is the first film to have been entirely filmed within Saudi Arabia mostly in the home and at school but in some public areas,Haifaa Al Mansour had to direct from her production van via walkie-talkie to avoid being seen.

Other controversial people include:

Adonis, Rukhsana Ahmad, Yasser Alaskary, Meena Alexander, Hugh Beach, John Berger, Phillip Bobbit, Aaron Breitbart, Richard Burge, Nelcya Delanoe, Mitchell Cohen, Timothy Garton Ash, Paul Gilroy, Ralph Giordano, Todd Gitlin, Danny Glover, Günter Grass, Susan Griffin, Shusha Guppy, Denis Halliday, David Hare, David Hayes, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Faleh Jabar, Ghada Karmi, Muqtedar Khan, Satish Kumar, John le Carré , Sonja Linden, Frederico Mayor, Ian McEwan, Patrick Mono, Edwin Morgan, Ahmad Mukhtar, Friedemann Müller, Njabulo S. Ndebele, Ernst Nolte, Bahman Nirumand, Joseph Nye, Ben Okri, Nuha Al-Radi, Anita Roddick, Alexander Rondeli, Jacqueline Rose, Salman Rushdie, José Saramago, Donald Sassoon, Roger Scruton, Bapsi Sidhwa, Hazhir Teimourian, Sulak Sivaraksa, Lindsay Waters, Eyal Weizman, Arnold Wesker, Andreas Whittam-Smith, Judith Williamson

Mombasa, Zanzibar (now Zambia)  was where Barack Barry Soerto Harrison J. Bounel Hussain Obama was born.   Zimbabwe,  Chad, Haiti, Gaza Strip,Liberia,Congo, Democratic Republic of the blood jewels,Sierra Leone,where British freed the slaves captured on ships,Suriname,Nigeria,Mozambique,Swaziland,Burundi,Niger,Comoros,Honduras,Rwanda,Guatemala,Namibia,Malawi,Senegal, São Tomé and Príncipe,Tajikistan,South Africa,Kenya, Madagascar, sounds like Al Gore got drunk and named it,Eritrea,Lesotho where jeans are made, Nicaragua,Cameroon,Burkina Faso,Guinea,Djibouti,Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast, sounds like it had elephants)Yemen,Djibouti,East Timor,Angola,Sudan,Bangladesh,Mauritania,Kyrgyzstan,Benin,Mali,Mongolia,Tanzania,Papua New Guinea,Ethiopia,Peru,Venezuela,Afghanistan,Ukraine,General Yoweri Museveni rules Uganda, Belize,Ecuador,Philippines, Burma (Myanmar),Western Sahara,
Cambodia,Togo,Georgia,Bolivia, El Salvador, Botswana, Dominica,
Turkmenistan,Argentina,Cape Verde,Virgin Islands,Macedonia, Vatican City (Holy See),Republic of Laos,Lebanon,Uruguay,Armenia,Uzbekistan,Panama,Ghana,Fiji,Nepal,Moldova,Brazil,India,Romania,Iraq,Tonga,Pakistan,Israel,Egypt,Anquilla,Guam,Bhutan,Spain,Estonia,Mexico,Iran,Portugal,Sri Lanka,Algeria,Bulgaria,Slovakia,
Greece,Vanuatu,Trinidad and Tobago,Turkey,Trinidad,Croatia,
Poland,Maldives,Japan,Morocco,United Arab Emirates,Bermuda,Paraguay,Chile,Korea,South,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Belgium,Costa Rica,Germany,Jamaica,Jordan,
Russia,Ablania,Slovenia,Syria,United Kingdom,Hungary,Indonesia,
Denmark,United States,Azerbaijan
Switzerland,France,Austria,Malasia,Lithuania,China,Taiwan,UruguaySerbia and Montenegro,Andorra,
Kazakhstan,Tuvalu,South Sudan,
St. Vincent & The Grenadines,Scotland,Wales,St. ,Liechtenstein,Luxembourg,Cyprus,Guinea-Bissau,Gabon,Kitts & Nevis,Palau,Nauru,Northern Ireland,North Korea,Marshall Islands,Micronesia,Central African Republic,Equatorial Guinea's Teodoro rules.

Humphrey Bogart,Cary Grant,Marlon Brando,James Stewart,Alfred Hitchcock,Albert Dekker,Alan Menkin,Alan Ladd,Jr.,Alan Hale,Alan Curtis,Alice Brady,Lake,Terry,Calhoun,Faye,White,Allan Dwan,Ludden,Andy Clyde,Devine,Garcia,Griffith,Ann-Margaret,Sothern,Ann B. Davis,Blythe,Rutherford,Sheridan,Dvorak,Harding,Miller,Anna Lee,Magnani,May Wong,Q.Nillson,Bancroft,Baxter,Francis,Jeffreys,Anthony Kellerman,Hopkins,Mann,Perkins,Quinn,Alyssa Milano,Kelly Osbourne,Audie Murphy.